Struggling with your water bill?
Click here to get help with your water bills webform
Find out how you can:
- Deal with your debt – Get a realistic plan to deal with your debts and sort out the most serious debts first. If you can’t repay your water debt and you qualify, Wessex Water Restart can clear your debt.
- Lower your water bill – We’ll help you to apply for a lower bill if you are in extreme financial difficulty.
- Manage your money – We’ll help you to work out your budget so you can on to of essential bills.
- Boost your income – We’ll optimise your income through benefits, tax credits and schemes you may be eligible for.
We will need details of any debts and savings, details of your income, your household bills and the approximate value of any assets.
Find information on debt on our Debt Advice page and use our online budgeting tool Budget planner.