Accurate energy advice is critical if you want to get your gas and electricity bills down and reduce your outgoings. We can help you to do that in a phone call, but here are some extra tips.
Energy Advice
1. Do you know who your energy supplier is?
2. Have you checked to see if you are entitled to any discounts?
3. Did you check if the tariff you are on works for your budget?
You can calculate your monthly expenditure with the Citizens Advice budget calculator.
Switching to a different energy provider might be a good way to reduce your energy bill.
Energy Comparison tool
For guidance on switching energy supplier Click here.
There are numerous little ways to save money in your day-to-day life. They might seem insignificant at a first glance, but with time they can add up to hundreds of pounds a year.
- Heating: save by installing a timer on your central heating system, smart electricity meter or even simple draught-proofing for your windows and doors. Also, you can save by decreasing the temperature in your house by 1 degree. It can save you a lot of money without sacrificing comfort.
- Appliances: save by turning off devices instead of setting them on stand-by. Also, don’t have your laptop or phone on charge unnecessarily.
- Bathroom: be sure you close taps when you are not using them while you are brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Lighting: save by turning off the lights in rooms when you do not need them and also replace the bulbs you have with efficient LED bulbs.
I can’t afford to pay my energy bills anymore?
At the moment, your energy supplier won’t disconnect your gas or electricity if you miss a payment. However, after 28 days without payment, your supplier may notify you that they are considering disconnecting your supply.
If you think you are not going to be able to pay your bill anymore, we recommend first contacting your supplier. They are obliged to help you come to a payment solution. The solution should work for both of you.
When you call your energy supplier, you might have to wait longer than normal to speak to someone. If you can, try contacting them online through their website, through social media, or by email.
If you’re not able to agree on a payment plan with your supplier, or you don’t stick to a plan you previously agreed to, your supplier might try to force you to have a prepayment meter installed.
Read more tips about budgeting on our Debt Advice web page.
Do you need further advice on energy-related issues or any other issues?
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