You will initially be triaged to identify the type of support Citizens Advice is able to offer.
If a Law Clinic appointment is appropriate a provisional booking will be made, or if no appointments are available, you may be added to our clinic waiting list, should you wish.
We will ask you to complete a form requesting consent to share your personal data with our legal partners as well as authority to act on your behalf with respect to making the necessary arrangements.
Once consent is received, the law firm will carry out a conflict of interest check to ensure that we are in a position to advise you. If there is no conflict of interest, the appointment will be confirmed and you will be sent an invitation to attend the appointment via email.
Our law clinic operates in partnership with Bath Spa University. Where it is appropriate, prior to appointments a law student volunteer will also contact you by telephone to collect some background information to your case. This phone call helps to provide the lawyer with some of the background information to make the most of the available time during the professional consultation. Our student volunteers will also join clients during the video calls to take a note of what is said.